Hi there -
I'd just like to encourage everybody to register on the site. Posting or replying to posts in some of the forums are currently set to require registration, but many of the forums do not yet require registration to post or to reply to posts.
The benefit of registering is so that you can take advantage of all of the message forum features. In particular, you can choose to receive notifications of replies to a message you post. And if you're posting or responding to a post about real estate and another user wants to get in touch with you, they can send you a private message.
Remember that, by default, the email address you use when registering is kept private. When somebody messages you, it is done through the forum and you will receive a notification when you have a new private message.
It will also help this site to grow if you do add a few tidbits of info about yourself in your profile, but it's not required to register on the site.
At some future point in time when we make some additions to the site, we'll also be able to notify our registered members. However, I would only forsee a group email going out about five or six times a year at most, so you need not worry about junkmail
If anybody has any questions, please contact me on the forum.