Hi there Larry - That's a really nice post, and I so much appreciate the efforts to help.
I just did receive a banner from you via email and it's really very nice. I'm impressed, and again, flattered by the compliments and appreciative of the help. I've not had sufficient time to devote the type of effort I'd really like to devote to improving this site.
I do have a main page design which I created and think it looks quite nice and will help to pull things together and add more features for users; I just need to find some time to polish it up and add some details and then hopefully I can roll out the new look and feel for this site to make it more useful and attractive for public use.
Again, I really appreciate the help and vote of confidence. Promoting the site to attract more users is key to the success of this site - so, thank you and feel free to promote your site here on the forums. It seems that you represent a good set of ideals which I'm sure many people will agree with. I've got my opinions on the topic, but we should bring that over to the appropriate forum for discussion